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History of Ptarmigan Websites

2023-05-29 03:58

Stuart Browne


History of Ptarmigan Websites

Ptarmigan Websites began in its present form on 28th August 2021. It was mainly an experimental hobby started by customers and friends I used to fix c

Ptarmigan Websites began in its present form on 28th August 2021. It was mainly an experimental hobby started by customers and friends I used to fix computers for asking if I could build websites for them. I had built a few in the past and decided to have a platform where as the customer could build it themselves so I didnt have too!  As time went on Ptarmigan websites  was born but my customers, or most of them anyway, decided, for whatever reason, time consuming, boring, afraid,  thought it was too time consuming so I eneded buiding the site any                   


Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used for typography and the printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the sixteenth century, when an anonymous printer took a cassette of characters and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was made popular in the 1960s with the spread of "Letraset" transferable type sheets, which contained passages of Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.